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Grand Jury Selection Questions

Jury Selection: Understanding the Role of Prospective Jurors

6 Questions About Grand Juries Answered by Expert

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Jury selection is a crucial part of the legal process, ensuring that the members of the jury are impartial and qualified to decide the outcome of a case. To determine the eligibility of prospective jurors, the clerk of the court sends each a mandatory questionnaire to complete.

Attorney and legal analyst Seema Iyer has answered some frequently asked questions about grand juries, providing insights into this important aspect of jury selection:

  1. What is a grand jury? A grand jury is a group of citizens selected to investigate possible criminal activity and determine whether there is sufficient evidence to indict a person.
  2. How are grand jurors selected? Grand jurors are usually randomly selected from voter registration or driver's license lists.
  3. What is the role of a grand jury? A grand jury hears evidence presented by the prosecutor and decides whether to issue an indictment, formally charging the suspect with a crime.
  4. How is a grand jury different from a petit jury? A grand jury investigates potential crimes, while a petit jury hears evidence and determines the guilt or innocence of a person in a trial.
  5. What are the qualifications to be a juror? To be a juror, you must be a US citizen over the age of 18, a resident of the county where the trial is held, and able to understand the proceedings.
  6. Can I be excused from jury duty? Yes, you may be excused from jury duty if you have a valid reason, such as a medical condition, a job that cannot be abandoned, or a personal hardship.

Understanding the role of prospective jurors and the process of jury selection is essential for a fair and impartial legal system. By answering these frequently asked questions, Attorney Iyer provides valuable information to help individuals better understand this important part of the judicial process.
