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North Korea Gdp

North Korea: A Comparative Study of Economic Growth

GDP Comparison with South Korea

After the Korean War, North Korea's GDP per capita was comparable to neighboring South Korea. However, by the mid-1970s, South Korea's economy surpassed North Korea's, and the gap has widened significantly since then.

GDP Growth and Decline

In the late 1990s and early 21st century, North Korea's GDP per capita plummeted to less than 2,000 USD. This decline was primarily attributed to economic mismanagement and a closed economic system. In contrast, South Korea's economy has experienced steady growth and is currently one of the world's largest.

Recent Economic Trends

For 2018, the Bank of Korea estimated North Korea's GDP growth at 4.1%. However, according to Trading Economics, North Korea's GDP is forecasted to reach 2.124 billion USD by the end of 2023, indicating a relatively modest growth rate compared to other countries in the region.

Industry Breakdown

In 2022, North Korea's real GDP by industry was dominated by the services sector (34.1%), followed by industry (44.7%) and agriculture (21.2%). This distribution highlights the limited diversification of North Korea's economy compared to South Korea, which has a more balanced industrial structure.

Economic Challenges

North Korea faces several economic challenges, including international sanctions, lack of foreign investment, and inefficient resource allocation. These factors have contributed to a decline in living standards and limited economic development in the country.
